The Norwell Education Foundation has awarded more than $500,000 in Grants since 1992 that have enriched student education at all grade levels in the Norwell Public Schools. See below for highlights.



Document Cameras
Kahoot! is a game based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share, and play user-generated quizzes that can be assessed on-line. To help support remote learning, Cole teachers used Kahoot! learning games and quizzes to assess prior knowledge, introduce new concepts, identify topics that need follow-up, and administer practice tests. Teachers can host games live via videoconferencing or send self-paced quizzes to connect with students at home.
Padlet is an online collaborative productivity software that helps Cole Elementary teachers create virtual bulletin boards where they can share information, pictures, documents and videos with their classroom. With Padlet's intuitive design, teachers can easily share and collaborate with their students to brainstorm pics, share ideas for a project, gather assignments and showcase students' work. In a remote learning format, Padlet gives teachers an easy, safe and instantaneous way to connect with students and provide real time information and feedback on a virtual bulletin board.
Remote learning has challenged Norwell
teachers to think outside their normal routines and instructional practices. With a grant from the NEF, Vinal Elementary teachers purchased document cameras, which can be used both inside the classroom to project what the teacher is doing, and in a remote-learning format. The document cameras allow teachers to record how a math problem is solved using manipulatives, show their thinking in writing, instruct students in the proper formation of letters and numbers, and allow staff members to record anything in front of them.

Angst Movie Showing

Environmental Science

Math Games
The Norwell High School Counseling Department would like to break down the stigma surrounding anxiety disorders and provide education around the support available for our students and family members. As part of its initiative, the
Counseling Department- through a grant from the NEF- hosted a screening of the movie “Angst: Raising Awareness Around Anxiety.”
The Norwell High School Science Department has elected to expand its Environmental Sciences program to the Advanced
Placement level. To help supplement its coursework, a subscription to Flinn Scientific's FlinPREP online course was purchased through a grant from the NEF.
The Cole School fifth-grade math teachers have purchased over a dozen board games through the NEF grant process. The use of the board games will help students build a conceptual understanding of math concepts using a multi-modal approach to learning.

Augmented Reality Sandbox


Torch Plasma Cutter
The Augmented Reality Sandbox is an innovative way for middle school students to build topography such as mountains and waterways on a computer which projects a real-time contour map on top of a physical sandbox.
25 new Ukeleles were bought to to implement musical literacy skills while promoting a love for music for students of all sizes.
The torch plasma metal cutter has been integrated into the engineering, shop & robotics curriculum at the high school allowing students to design and produce accurate engineering related parts and professional quality signs.

Lexia Reading Core 5

1000 Book Club

Lexia Learning empowers educators through adaptive assessment and personalized instruction. Teachers are able to differentiate instruction for students to meet their reading level. It is a fun and interactive way for students to learn using the computer or iPad.
Students sign-up to receive bags of books that promote and are recognized at milestone markers of 250, 500, 750, and 1000 books to promote more reading amongst students. Monthly read-alouds increase participation with the ultimate goal to read 1000 books by the end of the year.
The Pickleball equipment purchased for the Norwell MIddle School in 2019 introduces students to this life-long activity that supports development of physical and mental skills and provides knowledge of the game that will allow kids the ability to engage in this activity with their family & community.
Reality Works Babies

Multiplication Stairs

Kindergarten Dramatic Play
Educators around the world use this unique learning aid to teach early childhood, parenting, infant health lessons, and sex education. This smart baby adds meaning and accountability by using wireless programming to track and report on caregiver behaviors.
Colorful multiplication stairs are installed on the back stairway at the Vinal Elementary School. They add color to the stairway and promote fluency in a fun way. Teachers can use it as an interactive lesson for students learning their multiplication facts.
All kindergarten classrooms received dramatic play areas to better meet the social/emotional developmental needs of our students. Puppet theater, post office, tool kits, doll houses, camping sets and kitchens are just a few of the many additions to the kindergarten classrooms. Dramatic play gives students the opportunity to express their creativity, cooperate with their peers, control impulses and learn in a variety of different settings.